Magical 3D Robot - BeepBox
Discover here the Beep-BOX : a magician-robot!
This magician-robot, hidden inside one of these famous magic box used by great illusionists (from where lot of object can appear/disappear/ be fixed), explain at last more rationnaly how this magic trick is done.
Short movie. Author : Cédric Vasseur
This room is inspired from all kind of magic devices: cups, balls, hat, scarf, deck of cards...
(See also : beep-back to the future where real robots are use during magic show in Paris)
behind the stage : Why "beepbox" ? Because "Beep" / BeepMaster is my computer scientist nickname and magician nickname ?
Why a BOX ? Because the first big device I build myself was my first magic-box...
I hop you enjoy this short movie, that was a hard and long work to be created, days after days, pictures after pictures..
Do not hesitate to send your comments,
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Don't forget to send your comments :
[...] Great and nice universe [...] (lsp)
waouh !!! very nice I love the presentation.
One little question : how many time did you work on it ?
[...]great job [...]
Have you got other 3D movies like that ?
That be great to watch other ones(lsp)
A nice quality movie (lsp)
I loved it (lsp)
I adore it..
Congratulation for your work (lsp)
The movie is beautiful and well done it's obvious [...]
Hats off for that work ![...] it's beautifull and not easy to do[...]
with no lie : your movie is excellent [...]
[...] I experienced a moment of magic in a magical world !
one more time "Bravo"! (lsp)
Bravo for this movie Cédric (lsp)
What a nice creation !
I agree with what has been said, there are a lot of magic in this short film, it's beautiful! (lsp)
Bravo again for your work and creativity (lsp)
La Séquence du prestidigitateur
Selected video and published after voting of a jury of magicians.
Do not hesitate to send me your comments
Watch other pictures from beep-back to the future