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Photo album from the magician cowboy to hitech-magician.

Cedric Vasseur BeepMaster

Discover few pictures from different show like


A trip in the West side of the amzrican country, it's music, indians, saloons full of poker players, and a crossing of the magic farwest...

BeepMaster CowBoy 1
Last settings of the BeepMaster 2000
BeepMaster CowBoy 2
Chinese bowl of water
BeepMaster CowBoy 3
Every pompoms move a magic way
BeepMaster CowBoy 4
Be carefull spectators are armed and dangerous !
BeepMaster CowBoy 5
The adventure of BuffaloBeep ! Come back from farwest
BeepMaster CowBoy 6
A magic trip
BeepMaster CowBoy 7
Indian meeting
BeepMaster CowBoy 8
The bluecoats are here to
BeepMaster CowBoy 9
Installation of magic devices
BeepMaster CowBoy 10
Becareful the choice of the card is very important
BeepMaster CowBoy 11
To choice his spectator is very important to
BeepMaster CowBoy 12
Setting of pompoms before the start...
BeepMaster CowBoy 13
Magic bowls of inexhaustible water
BeepMaster CowBoy 14
Useful these bowl for a desert journey though
BeepMaster CowBoy 15
the BeepMaster's 200 is almost ready
BeepMaster CowBoy 16
That work like... a magic trick... :)
BeepMaster CowBoy 17
Choosing a card for a poker game
BeepMaster CowBoy 18
We spread the cards
BeepMaster CowBoy 19
But that'not all
BeepMaster CowBoy 20
The card will be the good one ?
BeepMaster CowBoy 21
BeepMaster simply himself
BeepMaster CowBoy 22
Beep Beep !
BeepMaster CowBoy 23
A card spread
BeepMaster CowBoy 24
The BeepMaster's 2000 not finished surprising more than one
BeepMaster CowBoy 25
BeepMaster CowBoy 26
Bowls don't stop to self-fill themselves
BeepMaster CowBoy 27
Country Music for a good mood
BeepMaster CowBoy 28
These Bowl are Magic !!!
BeepMaster CowBoy 29
You have to bet on the right horse
BeepMaster CowBoy 30
We shuffle the deck !
BeepMaster CowBoy 31
Desert make people thirsty !
BeepMaster CowBoy 32
I'm poor lonesone cowboy...
BeepMaster CowBoy 33
When it's not one, it's the other one which fill itself...
BeepMaster CowBoy 34
Yes ! Even the Indian playing cards!
BeepMaster CowBoy 35
Poker is simple as that!
BeepMaster CowBoy 36
A last sip for the road
BeepMaster CowBoy 37
Spread deck of cards
BeepMaster CowBoy 38
Will they fill again?

BeepBack To The Future

The BeepMaster's come-back from the 10101100101 century where robots, futuristic inventions and other electronic surprises let you discover the magic of tomorrow.

BeepMaster  FUTUR 1
Appearance of a robotic assistant
BeepMaster  FUTUR 2
Robotic assistant
BeepMaster FUTUR 12
Installation of PC from Future
BeepMaster FUTUR 11
Expert playing card robot
BeepMaster FUTUR 3
The robot select a card
BeepMaster FUTUR 4
BeepMaster Super Operating System
BeepMaster FUTUR 5
Crazy magician
BeepMaster FUTUR 6
Becareful ! Magic !
BeepMaster FUTUR 7
The spectator choose a color
BeepMaster FUTUR 8
Be prepare to a jourey though time
BeepMaster FUTUR 9
Puzzle from the show
BeepMaster FUTUR 10
Shuffle the deck

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Thanks toKarikalanfor permission to use some of these photographs


robot  avec stylo en or dans la  pince

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